
Let yourself be seduced by this collection that promises to envelop you in an aura of natural beauty and deep serenity.

The Tahitian pearl, with its mysterious reflections ranging from anthracite gray to pistachio green, is not just a treasure from the ocean, it is also known for its soothing and balancing virtues. It symbolizes the wisdom gained through experience and is said to promote emotional harmony and personal growth.

Turquoise, with its magnificent sky blue to blue-green color, is a fine stone whose beauty is enhanced by its natural veins. Its chemical formula, CuAI6(PO4)4(OH)8.4H20, highlights its unique composition, rich in cooper and aluminium, giving this gem its characteristic colors.

Considered since antiquity as a talisman of protection, turquoise is also recognized for its healing properties. It is said to bring calm and serenity to the mind, while promoting communication, personal expression and clarity of thought.

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